Result 1-27 of 27


    Alek Popov

    Mission: Turan

    Census of the Ancient Bulgarians

    Translated by Traci Speed

    “These new… ancient Bulgarians,” Slavyanski began hesitantly, still not clear on the terminology. “It seems to me that we should take steps to integrate them. This will have a positive impact on the demographic situation.”
    “And on your ratings!” the professor added slyly. “Just think, thousands of new voters!”
    “No, that’s not quite what I had in mind,” the president said, hurt. “I don’t look at people that way. For me, they’re human beings above all else.”
    Yeah, sure you don’t, thought Dokuzanov. If you ask me, you don’t care about anything else. If only you did!
    The descendants of the ancient Bulgarians have been discovered! The question is who will they vote for?

    Through a string of absurd and comical situations Popov transports the reader into an exotic world of adventure and love affairs, a world of songs, shamanic incantations and dances on the thin ice of big politics. But beneath the starry dome of the vast steppe, the eternal questions remain: who are we, where do we come from, why are we here?


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    Maricica STOICA, Cezar Ionuț BICHESCU

    Sports Nutrition and Health: From Nutrients to Performance

    Unlock the secrets to peak athletic performance and optimal health with Sports Nutrition and Health: From Nutrients to Performance. This comprehensive book delves into the relationship between nutrition and sports, providing you with cutting-edge research and practical strategies from leading experts in the field. Inside this book, you'll discover:

    Nutrient Essentials

    Explore the vital roles of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and phytonutrients in sports nutrition. Learn how to source and utilize these nutrients effectively for bioactive and sustainable athletic performance.

    Supplement Insights

    Understand the benefits and applications of food supplements in enhancing athletic performance. Navigate the choices between commercial sports drinks and natural alternatives like homemade lemonade for proper hydration.

    Metabolic Mastery

    Gain a deep understanding of energy metabolism, hormone regulation, and endocrine coordination, essential for athletes striving for excellence. Uncover the impacts of key hormones like ghrelin, insulin, and leptin on energy balance and performance.

    Health and Performance Synergy

    Investigate the impact of nutrition on health and sports performance, including the fundamentals of glucidic metabolism, the significance of proper hydration, and the role of Olympic education in promoting wellness.

    Challenges and Opportunities

    Explore emerging trends such as insect-based food as dietary nutrients and the innovative use of polymer-based materials for sports food packaging. Address the unique challenges and opportunities in the sports food market and the importance of lifestyle choices in boosting self-esteem and overall well-being.

    Featuring contributions from renowned experts, this book offers a wealth of knowledge and practical advice for athletes, coaches, nutritionists, and anyone passionate about sports and health. Whether you are a professional athlete, a coach, or a fitness enthusiast, Sports Nutrition and Health: From Nutrients to Performance is your essential book to achieving peak performance through optimized nutrition and holistic health practices.


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    Gábor T. Szántó

    1945 and Other Stories

    What happened in Europe after World War II to the returning Jews, the displaced Swabians, and the Hungarians in Felvidék (now Slovakia) who were victims of population exchange? The great social dramas of 20th-century Central Europe are as much the subject of this disturbing volume as individual destinies: how does desire stretch the boundaries of everyday norms; how does it destroy lives or forces them to leave their country? What happens to a man who wishes to live as a woman but his chosen vocation requires him to observe religious norms? What happens to a teenager whose first love, his teacher, has her eye on his best friend and plays a vicious game with the boys? What will be the fate of the deaf and mute son of a peasant woman who, in his final exclusion from human society, seeks solace with animals?
    Ferenc Török directed a feature film based on the title story of Gábor T. Szántó’s book; it received 20 festival awards including recognition at the Berlin International Film Festival and has been distributed in 40 countries.

    Translated by
    Walter Burgess and Marietta Morry
    TLR Bass
    Ivan Sanders


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    Gábor Zoltán


    This novel is set in Budapest in the winter of 1944–45, and as such it is related to the history of Hungary, and of the Second World War. Extreme circumstances changed the behavior of many who lived through them, so that their actions were later described — or rather obscured — by terms such as “terrible,” “incomprehensible,” “inexplicable,” and other similarly strong adjectives.
    The Arrow Cross seek out individuals not only of Jewish descent; anyone they view as liberals, “English sympathizers” or “humanists,” are considered enemies and therefore prey. One such man is the novel’s main character, the thirty-year-old factory owner, Renner. In addition to employing and concealing many Jews in his factory, both his wife and lover are of Jewish descent. He is a successful, fearless man: the Arrow Cross have plenty of reasons to kill him. But instead of a swift execution, they torture and humiliate him even longer than usual, subsequently forcing him to assist them. The novel focuses on Renner, station to station. Readers follow events through his progressively hazier point-of-view; in addition, the combined voice of the Arrow Cross also speaks by way of the barbarian horde reincarnated in the modern big city.

    Translated by Thomas Sneddon


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    Gina-Aurora NECULA, Maricica STOICA, Mihaela-Alina IFRIM


    The present collective volume is under the aegis of the Cross-Border Faculty of the 'Dunarea de Jos' University of Galati, Romania. Founded in the spirit of cross- border cooperation and with more than twenty-year experience and tradition in both cross-border teaching and research, the Cross-Border Faculty has managed to build a multi-, trans-, and interdisciplinary academic community determined to facilitate a continuous scientific dialogue towards sharing and creating new perspectives in various fields such as education, arts and humanities and even engineering. The constant evolution of this cross-border endeavour has been concretized, in recent years, into large academic interdisciplinary events which have enabled the scientific dialogue not only between peers of the same academic field, but, also, they have permitted the collaboration and forming of new inter- and multidisciplinary teams oriented towards the advance of the higher education process, the flourishing of the business environment and the altogether improvement of society in general. Thus, Cross-Border research – interdisciplinary insights and borderless perspectives is an umbrella volume envisioned to bring together authors and topics that tackle issues such as consumers and consumerism, agriculture and food industry, administration, justice and law enforcement, finance, communication and education, and language and literature, not in a completely disconnected manner, but rather in an effort to provide a complex, diverse and useful research tool.


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    Gina-Aurora NECULA, Carmelia Mariana DRAGOMIR BĂLĂNICĂ, Alexandra-Monica TOMA

    Cross-border Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Approaches of Life Quality

    In this study, researchers analyse, from different perspectives, the challenges related to technology, language, culture, society, law, engineering, economics and physical education and sports, viewed from a cross-border perspective, with emphasis on similarities and dissimilarities between life quality in the Republic of Moldova and life quality in Romania. The study involves experienced, as well as young researchers (PhD students), in order to ensure the transfer of knowledge and good practices. The volume endeavors to tackle key aspects related to the quality of environmental factors, food quality, urbanization, communication, language, nutrition, health, education, economic conditions, security, social environment, leisure, all approached in an integrated manner. The transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach aims to mirror the complexity of contemporary life and to consider the variety of factors that influence the perception of life quality. 


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    Gina-Aurora NECULA, Maricica STOICA


    The present collective volume is under the aegis of the Cross-Border Faculty of the 'Dunarea de Jos' University of Galati, Romania. Founded in the spirit of cross- border cooperation and with more than twenty-year experience and tradition in both cross-border teaching and research, the Cross-Border Faculty has managed to build a multi-, trans-, and interdisciplinary academic community determined to facilitate a continuous scientific dialogue towards sharing and creating new perspectives in various fields such as education, arts and humanities and even engineering. The constant evolution of this cross-border endeavour has been concretized, in recent years, into large academic interdisciplinary events which have enabled the scientific dialogue not only between peers of the same academic field, but, also, they have permitted the collaboration and forming of new inter- and multidisciplinary teams oriented towards the advance of the higher education process, the flourishing of the business environment and the altogether improvement of society in general. Thus, Cross-Border research – interdisciplinary insights and borderless perspectives is an umbrella volume envisioned to bring together authors and topics that tackle issues such as consumers and consumerism, agriculture and food industry, administration, justice and law enforcement, finance, communication and education, and language and literature, not in a completely disconnected manner, but rather in an effort to provide a complex, diverse and useful research tool.


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    József Eötvös

    The Village Notary

    Translated by Bernard Adams

    “We very much regret having read The Village Notary, for we envy those that have not done so the pleasure that is in store for them,” says a reviewer in February 1850. “Lovers of romance will find an unusual combination of materials for amusement and reflection,” says another reviewer, “scenes with which few in this country are familiar, descriptive of a people whose fortunes have excited a universal and anxious sympathy.”

    Typical elements of the Romantic novel are present — wicked stepmother, thwarted lovers, devious lawyers, the innocent wronged, crime justly rewarded and (this is Hungary!) some galloping — and the action scarcely flags in this highly entertaining book. Between its first appearance in Hungary in 1845, however, and that of the 1850 translation there occurred the revolution of 1848–49 in which Hungary rose against Austria, to be defeated only when Russia intervened. As the historian deduces principles from facts, the novelist illustrates principles by narrative; the translation aroused much interest in England on political grounds, but — a week is a long time in politics! — in Hungary it was slammed on political grounds: Eötvös is critical not of Habsburg oppression but of the largely self-serving and indolent Hungarian common nobility. After 170 years, this re-translation may lose in topicality, but some aspects of mankind are for ever.

    The book holds a balance between racy tale and the author’s frequently trenchant commentary on the Hungary of his time. In the English translation of 1850 it is significantly abridged in favor of the racy tale, thus diluting Eötvös’s purpose not a little.
    The present translation is made from the unabridged Hungarian, and one must hope that while being better informed of Eötvös’s aims the reader of this version will suffer no loss of entertainment.


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    Isabela-Anda Dragomir

    The Power of Language and the Language of Power

    A Linguistic Perspective on Power Dynamics in NATO

    Since the dawn of modern history, maintaining a power balance as an underlying condition for international order has been one of the most constantly pursued endeavors of humanity. Starting with the ancient Trojan War and ending with the contemporary "war on terror", leaders all over the world, in isolation or alliance, have struggled to uphold power and play a determining role in keeping a power balance that would serve national and global interests and secure international peace and prosperity. The interpretation of international relations through the theory of balance of power involves a high degree of abstraction, reified into the visual representation of Powers, i.e., states holding the status of, as the weights in a pair of scales.

    This book examines the concept of power as a construct in communicative theories and the way in which it relates to and is constituted by NATO discourse. By way of extended example, it investigates the way in which the dynamics of various types of power (integrative, adversarial, and predominant) impact social, political, and military relationships between the members of the North Atlantic Organization and between the Alliance and external actors.


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    Klára Pinerová, Kristýna Haluzíková Bušková, Michal Louč

    Prison as a Mirror of Society

    The Unequal Battle between Politics, Science and Humanity, Czechoslovakia 1965–1992

    Socialist prisons have always been associated with repression, violence and bullying of political prisoners. However, our book shows something very surprising. The Czechoslovak prison system had been undergoing radical changes since the 1950s. New tendencies were promoted in various periods that aligned with the social and political situation. The prison system as a whole was not an institution that would evolve separately, regardless of changes in the society. The way it was managed was clearly shaped by people who were making decisions about where Czechoslovakia was headed, as penal and penitentiary policy was created at the highest levels. These changes are described by means of master narratives in this book, by observing them on multiple levels. Changes in the prison system could be observed in not only the system itself, as organisational changes in the management of the institution as such, but also in the transformation of the thinking of those in top positions of the prison administration and in the lowest positions alike. We show that the narrative they adopted and that affected the interpretation of their experience and decisions had an effect on their treatment of different categories of prisoners. The book shows that the prison system reflects the character of the whole society and says a lot about it.


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    Judita Šalgo

    The Road to Birobidzhan

    Translated by John K. Cox, winner of the Serbian PEN Center Award for the best translator of Serbian literature in 2021

    The novel is set between the years 1911 and 1954. The chapters are episodic and allow the reader to track the physical journeys and intellectual peregrinations of semi-fictionalized "historical" characters such as Bertha Pappenheim, Baron Edmond de Rothschild, Mikhail Kalinin, and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Most of the characters move in and out of Serbia at some point, where they interact with a large number of imaginary Serbian figures, and a number of scenes are set in Israel. The book's intellectual charge is aimed in four directions. First, it satirizes the male-dominated political sphere. Second, it critiques the idea of utopia and the necessary political, economic, and religious means (ideologies) for reaching a safe, necessary societal place and space. Third, Šalgo constantly calls into question the provenance and validity of nations and polities. And finally all roads seem to cross in Serbia, a place where concepts of west and east and north and south seem to have almost no meaning; this assertion undermines the logic of the Cold War but perhaps of other world orders as well.

    "Imagination, a dream world, needs food the same way people do. Thus the entire world will direct a portion of its wealth to the East, to the place for which the forest has departed. If anything exists for certain, it's that Birobidzhan, the land to which innocent reveries had been turned, is now swallowing every memory, life, love."


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    Olga Ştefan

    SALVA-VIȘEU 1948


    SALVA-VISEU 1948: THEN AND NOW takes us back through the decades and not only exposes a beautiful never-before-seen series of images representing a landscape in the process of modernization, but also introduces us to some of the last survivors who experienced that era personally. A section of interviews with workers on the site or locals who benefited from the railway, and a Brigadier from the Medical School in Bucharest, offers a broad perspective on the many touched by this national project. What is striking, however, is the complete silence of the locals regarding the massive deportation of Jews from these areas, people who had been their neighbors and who had almost all been exterminated during the war, leaving a void behind. This palpable silence calls for an examination of the role of the bystander in the Holocaust. The book also contains a selection of period articles that offer a glimpse into the atmosphere, language, and preoccupations of the day, including the party’s goal to unite all workers and eliminate chauvinism and bigotry.


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    László Waldapfel

    The Jews of Hungary and Other Hungarians

    The Diary of László Waldapfel 1933–1941

    This diary was not meant to be presented originally to the wider public. Its author is a young man of Hungarian-Jewish background, who is writing about the events in his life and the world around him in the 1930s and early 1940s.

    Did he ever imagine that he was writing a veritable historical chronicle, reflecting on the complexities of his identity in the light of the gradual normalization of discriminatory politics and slide toward genocide? We shall never be able to find this out, because soon after the last diary entry, he is called up to forced labor service on the Russian front from where he would never return.


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    Adla Isanović

    The Regime of Digital Coloniality

    Bosnian Forensic Contemporaneity

    This book problematizes and critically analyzes how database are being conceived and what their relation is to knowledge production within the current settings of global capitalism, biopolitics and necropolitics, also in relation to digital paradigms.

    Database logic and aesthetics appear to be something that is imposed as a norm; its inclusion is visible in science, media, social networking, state governing, policy making, juridical processes, and military interventions, but also in a wider range of art practices, including contemporary presentation/exhibition models and forms. Simultaneously, we also recognize a forensic shift, the prevailing forensic methodology and aesthetics conducted through different forums, as for example that of international humanitarian politics, law and art.

    The book in front of us is also indispensable for discussing and thinking about the aftermath of the 1990s war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Excavated mass graves of Bosnians are now places open to forensics to speed up the processes of remembering past horrors of Srebrenica and genocide on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s territory. 


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    Mihaela Gligor

    Memories of Terror

    Essays on Recent Histories

    This volume, focusing on the recovery of some forgotten facts about a very painful period of our history, addresses major concerns and problems. Stories dealing with life of surviving Jews after Holocaust are as important as the stories of the Holocaust itself. These are the stories of surviving Jews after the Holocaust, living memories of fear and strength, personal and interior battles, (in)tolerance and finding a place in a new world, but also acceptance of the pain of joy and hope for a better future.

    For review and examination copies, please write to info@ceeolpress.com


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    Kinga Júlia Király

    Recipes for a New Beginning

    Transylvanian Jewish Stories of Life, Hunger, and Hope


    Recipes for a New Beginning is a literary and scholarly work, a cookbook, a cultural dictionary, and a memorial album of Transylvanian Jews. It is a historical summary of the Transylvanian Jewish community’s past 100 years based on 10 in-depth interviews. The author conducted hundreds of hours of interviews and joint cooking with Holocaust survivors. The stories of the interviewees are supported by substantial archival research. Survival and starting anew are in the focus of this readable and gap-filling illustrated book, which conjures up the memories of its contributors ingeniously.

    Translated by Rachel Hideg.

    For review and examination copies, please write to info@ceeolpress.com



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    Schalom Asch


    A great panorama of the years leading up to the Russian Revolution. The novel focuses on St. Petersburg, Warsaw, and Moscow, and how various people deal with these earth shaking events. They range from powerful millionaires to penniless intellectuals. They are revolutionaries, capitalists, landowners, teachers, students, society women, fighters and political leaders. Moskau is the third volume of the trilogy.


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    Schalom Asch


    A great panorama of the years leading up to the Russian Revolution. The novel focuses on St. Petersburg, Warsaw, and Moscow, and how various people deal with these earth shaking events. They range from powerful millionaires to penniless intellectuals. They are revolutionaries, capitalists, landowners, teachers, students, society women, fighters and political leaders. Petersburg is the first volume of the trilogy.


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    Schalom Asch


    A great panorama of the years leading up to the Russian Revolution. The novel focuses on St. Petersburg, Warsaw, and Moscow, and how various people deal with these earth shaking events. They range from powerful millionaires to penniless intellectuals. They are revolutionaries, capitalists, landowners, teachers, students, society women, fighters and political leaders. Warschau is the second volume of the trilogy.


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    Ante Ciliga

    La Yougoslavie

    A former member of the Jugoslav Communist Party discusses the Tito-Stalin rupture and attempts to analyze the probable influence on the conflict of the earlier and unresolved struggle between Serb and Croat.


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    Borys Krupnyćkyj

    Geschichte der Ukraine

    von den Anfängen bis zum Jahre 1920

    Content: I. Die Kiewer Periode II. Das galizisch-wolhynische Fürstentum III. Die Ukraine unter litauischer Oberherrschaft IV. Die Ukraine unter Polen V. Anfänge und Entwicklung des Kosakentums VI. Die Lage der Ukraine in der ersten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts. Die Auseinandersetzung der Kosaken mit Polen VII. Bohdan Chmelnyckyj, der Begründer der ukrainischen Kosakenstaates VIII. Der Kosakenstaat in der zweiten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts. Die Zeit der Irrungen und Wirrungen IX. Die Zeit Mazepas X. Der Hetmanstaat der linksufrigen Ukraine im 18. Jahrhundert XI. Die Schicksale der rechtsufrigen Ukraine, der Zaporoger . Sitsch und der Sloboder Ukraine im18. Jahrhundert XII. Die ukrainische nationale Bewegung im 19. Jahrhundert XIII. Die Westukraine zur Zeit des nationalen Erwachens XIV. Die Ukraine im 20. Jahrhundert. Der Befreiungskampf bis zum Jahre 1920 Literaturnachweis Namenregister


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    Heinrich Renner

    Durch Bosnien und die Hercegovina. Kreuz und Quer. Wanderungen

    This eBooks is a Digsimile edition of the original edition: Berlin, 1896, Geographische Verlagshandlung Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen) with numerous illustrations by W.L. Arndt and E. Arndt-Ceplin. With his bestseller “Travelling through Bosnia and Herzegovina”, the author Heinrich Renner makes a love declaration to “Bosnia, the land of dawn”.


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    Dušan A. Lončarević

    Jugoslawiens Entstehung

    In the present work we learn - mainly from the Yugoslav point of view - the domestic and foreign policy struggles of Serbia from 1903 to 1914. Table of Contents: Inhalt der vorstehenden Kapitel 5 Vorwort . 21 Einleitung . 23 Wien - Belgrad . 28 Ein verhängnisvoller Irrtum . 41 Verschwörerfrage und Diplomatenstreik 49 Serbiens Kampf um seine wirtschaftliche Unabhängigkeit 77 Die Zerstörung der internationalen Rechtssicherheit in Europa 182 Die nationale Einigung der südlichen Slaven 296 Der Balkan den Balkanvölkern . 396 Ein katastrophaler Erfolg. . 484 Schlußbetrachtung. 603 Literaturverzeichnis. 628 Abbildungsverzeichnis . 631


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    Paul Hazard

    Die Krise Des Europäischen Geistes

    Paul Hazard's intellectual history offers an unforgettable account of the birth of the modern European mind in all its dynamic, inquiring, and uncertain glory. Beginning his story in the latter half of the seventeenth century, while also looking back to the Renaissance and forward to the future, Hazard traces the process by which new developments in the sciences, arts, philosophy, and philology came to undermine the stable foundations of the classical world, with its commitment to tradition, stability, proportion, and settled usage. Hazard discerned at the end of the seventeenth and the beginning of the eighteenth centuries a crisis within the European mind, a moment of profound uncertainty, une zone uncertaine, malaisée. Out of that crisis emerged a new understanding of people and nature, of government, of religion in society which, as he saw it, prepared the way for the French Revolution. At that moment emerged a mentalité discernibly enlightened and modern, one with which Hazard and his generation of liberal French intellectuals could still identify.


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    Heinrich Adalbert von Wlislocki

    Aus dem inneren Leben der Zigeuner

    Content: 1 Krankheitsdämonen 2 Handarbeiten 3 Höhencultus 4 Blutzauber 5 Wanderzeichen, Signale und Zeichensprache 6 Tierorakel und Orakeltiere 7 Wetterprophezeiung 8 Feuerbesprechung 9 Eine zigeunerische Dichterin


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    The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire

    Documents presented to Viscount Grey of Fallodon, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

    The report was "Laid before the Houses of Parliament as an official Paper and now published by permission Hodder and Stoughton, St. Paul's House, Warwick Square, London and at New York and Toronto" in 1916 This is a Digsimile-eBook-edition of the 1916 original, re-published in 2008 by TEXTOR VERLAG and the Central and Eastern European Online Lbrary, CEEOL. For the original edition Viscount Bryce had engaged the Arnold J. Toynbee (in the age of 25) as an editorial assistant. The editorial work on this report in 1915 marks the beginning of Toynbee's work for the intelligence department of the British Foreign Office


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    Erica Wallach

    Licht um Mitternacht

    Fünf Jahre in der Welt der Verfemten

    Erica Wallach gewährt uns in diesem autobiographischen Bericht einen tiefen und persönlichen Einblick in ihr Erleben jener fünf Jahre Inhaftierung, die Sie, der Spionage verdächtigt, ihrer Familie entrissen in Gefängnissen der DDR und der Sowjetunion sowie im sowjetischen Arbeitslager Workuta verbringen mußte, weil sie ihren Pflegeeltern Noel und Herta Field, die im damaligen Ostblock in Schwierigkeiten geraten waren, im August 1950 zur Hilfe eilen wollte und sich zu diesem Zweck nach Ost-Berlin begeben hatte. Ihr Ehemann, Robert R. Wallach, ein GI der U.S. Army, und die beiden gemeinsamen Kinder, warteten vergebens auf ihre Rückkehr nach Paris, dem Wohnort der Familie Wallach zu jener Zeit. Sie hatten keine Informationen über die Gründe des plötzlichen Verschwindens und erhielten keine Auskunft über den Aufenthaltsort von Erica Wallach.

    Die Autorin schildert jene Methoden totalitärer Systeme, mit deren Hilfe Gefangene in der Isolationshaft gebrochen werden, um von ihnen das gewünschte Geständnis zu erhalten. Und sie erzählt darüber wie es ihr trotzdem gelungen ist, jene Jahre zu überstehen.


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