
Michal Louč (ORCID: 0000-0001-5311-064X) is a social anthropologist and oral historian. He graduated in social anthropology from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Pardubice. He is a doctoral student in the field of contemporary European cultural history at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University. Since 2017, he has been working at the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes in Prague, where he was involved in the research project “Proměny vězeňství v českých zemích v letech 1965–1992. Systémové a individuální adaptace” (“Transformation of the prison system in the Czech Lands 1965–1992: Systemic and individual adaptations”). He also published the book Ďáblický hřbitov. Místo paměti druhého a třetího odboje (Ďáblice cemetery: The place of memory of the second and third resistance) in 2021. He has long been interested in oral history and the issue of memory, especially in connection with the fate of Czechoslovak political prisoners under the communist regime.

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